April Li

Full Stack Developer

Email: yizili41@gmail.com

About Me

Passionate in Front-End and Full-Stack development, with 1 year hands-on experience building websites and application in agile & high-pressured environment.

April's profile pic

Personal Projects

Project 1 Img

Project 1: Movie Buddy

This is a dating web app

React, Redux, React-Router, MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, useCookies, JWT

Backend hosted via Heroku

View Here

Project 2 Img

Project 2: To Do List

This is a to-do list app with changing background images

Typescript, React, Unsplash API

View Here

Project 3

Project 3: Attack on Bejeweled!

This is a "candy crush" game in pure javascript

Images from WIT Studio & Trends International

You can purchase the original art here

View Here

Img Placeholder

Project 4: Trading App

Typescript,Redux & More

Currently under construction

Stay Tune